Top Sale 3/2025 # Deliciously Sliced Purple Onion In Hcm City? Bao Nhiêu Tiền? Mua Ở Đâu Giá Rẻ? # Top Yêu Thích
You are looking to add to the collection of spices in your kitchen, but do not know what kind of add, so you quickly order immediately the delicious sliced purple onion product by the company he Rich I provide offline.
About the onion and delicious sliced purple onions:
delicious sliced purple onions
Onion purple or there are some other popular names are the act or pilgrimage. This plant is quite easy to find in Southeast Asia, especially in Vietnam. Onion has the same characteristics as its name. The shell is violet-purple, is a silk shell. The purple onion consists of many different layers wrapped from outside to inside, as white and faded as the shell, not as deep as the outer shell. Onion is actually the bulge on the bulge, lying under the ground, while the leaves growing up. The onions range in size from 1 to 4 cm, quite large compared to green onions. Purple onions have a spicy taste and the, as well as pungent characteristics of onions. In addition, there is a point to note that when cutting and early processing, you can be very teary eyes, because in the bulb contains large amounts of SO2 gas, when the eyes meet moisture will produce acid H2SO4 spicy eyes. The secret to prevent this is to have a bowl of water next to the cut onions, so avoid the phenomenon of eyes. And to make it even more convenient for you, Giau company we have launched delicious sliced purple onion, helping you to make purple onion processing time.
Onion is an English vegetable called purple onion. Purple onions are dark purple in the outer shell and are usually eaten raw in salads, breads or dipping dishes. White onions are slightly lighter and white or ivory white.
Ingredients of onion: 100g onions contain 415-1.917 mg antioxidants, 1.5g fiber, Fat 0.2g, Vitamin K 0.3μg, Vitamin E 0.01mg, Vitamin C 9.4 mg, Thiamine (B1 0.056mg, riboflavin (B2) 0.042mg and minerals potassium, magnesium, zinc, iron, phosphorus
The price of deliciously sliced purple onion in Giau:
delicious sliced purple onions
Onion has a spicy taste, pungent odor so many people difficult to use, but its health benefits are very large. Research shows that the sulfides in onions have anticoagulant effect, which helps to prevent platelet concentration unnecessarily. It also helps to reduce cholesterol and triglyceride levels, improving the function of red blood cells. Onions are also rich in antioxidant flavonoids, which can often prevent heart attacks.
In addition, some studies show that eating onions helps increase bone density and reduce osteoporosis in postmenopausal women. Eating onions every day can reduce the risk of hip fractures. This tuber is also rich in sulfur compounds that play an important role in the formation of connective tissues of the human body.
At present, Mr. Giau company is selling deliciously sliced purple onions with the following specifications and prices:
Description: delicious sliced purple onion
Selling price of deliciously sliced purple onion: 150.000d / kg
Sliced purple onion is a very good product to combine with delicious food such as porridge, hot pot. You just bring the sliced purple onion and then wedge into the above items, or you can also make the salad is very delicious it.
The above is the great use of sliced purple onion, sliced purple onion, sliced purple onion, sliced purple onion. You want to buy delicious sliced purple onion contact with Mr. Rich.